

Summer vacation, every student is looking forward to. And during the summer vacation, many students will say: "it is better to go to school?" was my mother's nagging upgrade, we can be free, but for some reason had murdered the freedom.

Take a look at that false life, isn't it in hot water.

In the morning, so I Yang father-in-law had, according to the earth in the warm sunshine. Listen, the bird is singing; Is the person in the exercise; Is the time to I wake up. I get up early, put on the clothes go to outside exercise. Home, the mother of breakfast before me happiness hangs over my whole body. Our family had a sweet breakfast.

Morning, mother do the housework, I'm playing computer, dad go to work,

At noon, laughter filled the room. Eating while chatting. Finished eating dinner, it was time for our family to sleep. Look, dad in the dozen shout, should sleep soundly; Mom what look also have no, but I know he went to bed already. In the evening, again a at dinner, and laughter...

Summer day after day to repeat, but I don't greasy at all. This is my summer vacation, a warm and happy summer vacation. I'm so happy!








My summer vacation life colorful. Because I choose to learn some interest class.

Among them, I love to learn guzheng, because its tone is like flowing, small brook, birds chirping, if let the senior play a tune, you'll be immersed among them, unable to extricate themselves. Even the hustle and bustle of the city, on guzheng record, also can appear unusually quiet, peaceful, there is the atmosphere of the ancient that let a

Summer vacation, every student is looking forward to. And during the summer vacation, many students will say: "it is better to go to school?" was my mother's nagging upgrade, we can be free, but for some reason had murdered the freedom.

Take a look at that false life, isn't it in hot water.

In the morning, so I Yang father-in-law had, according to the earth in the warm sunshine. Listen, the bird is singing; Is the person in the exercise; Is the time to I wake up. I get up early, put on the clothes go to outside exercise. Home, the mother of breakfast before me happiness hangs over my whole body. Our family had a sweet breakfast.

Morning, mother do the housework, I'm playing computer, dad go to work,

At noon, laughter filled the room. Eating while chatting. Finished eating dinner, it was time for our family to sleep. Look, dad in the dozen shout, should sleep soundly; Mom what look also have no, but I know he went to bed already. In the evening, again a at dinner, and laughter...

Summer day after day to repeat, but I don't greasy at all. This is my summer vacation, a warm and happy summer vacation. I'm so happy!








My summer vacation life colorful. Because I choose to learn some interest class.

Among them, I love to learn guzheng, because its tone is like flowing, small brook, birds chirping, if let the senior play a tune, you'll be immersed among them, unable to extricate themselves. Even the hustle and bustle of the city, on guzheng record, also can appear unusually quiet, peaceful, there is the atmosphere of the ancient that let a


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