



I am writing to request your assistance.

Would you please advise me regarding (问题) I would like to request materials for

I would be very grateful if you could send information on---

I would like to inquire about---

I wish to reserve it in advance to

This morning I happened to see your


I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a ---(职位)

Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which gives further details of my work experience.

I feel my qualifications and work experience would make me a good candidate for the job.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

I am writing to invite you to---

We will feel really honored if you could come.

I would very much like you to participate in the--- I would be very grateful if you would consider this request at your earliest convenience.

类型二:Making suggestions

I would like to suggest that---

I am very glad to hear that---, so I am writing this letter to offer my suggestions.

I would really appreciate it if you take my proposals into serious consideration.


I am writing to apologize for---

I would like to give you my apology for--- Please accept my sincere apology for---

Hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.

In response to your kind offer of a position with your company, I am afraid that I have to decline.


1. I am writing to bring your attention to the

unprofessional attitude of one of the members of your staff. (抱怨人)

2. I am sorry to inform you that---(抱怨事)

3. I wish to complain about a---which I bought---days ago in---(抱怨物品)

4. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with---(抱怨人;抱怨事;抱怨物品)



I am writing to request your assistance.

Would you please advise me regarding (问题) I would like to request materials for

I would be very grateful if you could send information on---

I would like to inquire about---

I wish to reserve it in advance to

This morning I happened to see your


I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a ---(职位)

Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which gives further details of my work experience.

I feel my qualifications and work experience would make me a good candidate for the job.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

I am writing to invite you to---

We will feel really honored if you could come.

I would very much like you to participate in the--- I would be very grateful if you would consider this request at your earliest convenience.

类型二:Making suggestions

I would like to suggest that---

I am very glad to hear that---, so I am writing this letter to offer my suggestions.

I would really appreciate it if you take my proposals into serious consideration.


I am writing to apologize for---

I would like to give you my apology for--- Please accept my sincere apology for---

Hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.

In response to your kind offer of a position with your company, I am afraid that I have to decline.


1. I am writing to bring your attention to the

unprofessional attitude of one of the members of your staff. (抱怨人)

2. I am sorry to inform you that---(抱怨事)

3. I wish to complain about a---which I bought---days ago in---(抱怨物品)

4. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with---(抱怨人;抱怨事;抱怨物品)


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