





杂技芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》虽然是一部将杂技与芭蕾舞相结合的颠覆性作品,但导演却坚持定下“保持原作的典雅性”、“杂技动作必须与剧情流畅地结合起来”和“绝不损伤音乐”三条原则,并在不改动柴可夫斯基音乐以及尽可能保留原剧的故事情节和人物特色的基础上,用杂技手法贯穿并展开剧情,让观众在熟悉的旋律和故事中得到全新的艺术体验。杂技芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》很好地保存了原芭蕾舞剧中“美”和“雅”的部分,同时又恰到好处地添加了杂技的“险”和“奇”, 让芭蕾变得惊险刺激,杂技变得优雅浪漫。

Acrobatic Swan Lake

The Swan Lake composed by Tchaikovsky is a magnificent masterpiece that combines elegant classic ballet and ingenuous fairy tales and has been proved a romantic ode of love and priceless art treasure around the world.

And the acrobatic Swan Lake, which was initially produced and performed by the soldiers of the Political Sector of Guangzhou Military District, is the first version presented acrobatically, following romantic ballet of France, male ballet of England and modern ballet of America.

Acrobatic Swan Lake curtained up with a crystal white swan that wandered in the forest and it abruptly transformed to a trippingly dancing maid. Switches of this sort show frequently as the ballet proceeds, and make the classic ballet more attractive and fun. Here on this stage, magic is no more a simple gimmick or an isolate element but an essential part supporting the stage, dances and plots. It ’s an important dramatic means of interludes, transition and even advancement of plots. Typical movements in classic ballet appear that performers dance with only toe on the stage but in acrobatic ballet, skills on toes are placed by hands and other ticks. The swan dances on the heads or shoulders of actors such as to alternate the stage from floor to human body. Some innovative acts like Ballet on Head, Ballet on Shoulders, Reversing Ballet and

Ballet on Rope will reshape audience’s impression on ballet.

Though an innovative artwork integrating acrobatics and ballet, its director firmly adhered to three principles which are to maintain Swam Lake’s original elegance, smoothly unite acrobatics with plots, and not to impair any tiny bit of its music. He trended to weave and advance all plots with acrobatic acts and didn’t shift Tchaikovsky’s music and preserved features of the figures and plots of classic Swan Lake, entertaining the audience with bran-new experience in an atmosphere full of familiar rhythm and story. The acrobatic Swan Lake inherits all the beauty and elegance of the classic ballet and richens it with adventure and amusement, making ballet adventurous and acrobatics genteel.





杂技芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》虽然是一部将杂技与芭蕾舞相结合的颠覆性作品,但导演却坚持定下“保持原作的典雅性”、“杂技动作必须与剧情流畅地结合起来”和“绝不损伤音乐”三条原则,并在不改动柴可夫斯基音乐以及尽可能保留原剧的故事情节和人物特色的基础上,用杂技手法贯穿并展开剧情,让观众在熟悉的旋律和故事中得到全新的艺术体验。杂技芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》很好地保存了原芭蕾舞剧中“美”和“雅”的部分,同时又恰到好处地添加了杂技的“险”和“奇”, 让芭蕾变得惊险刺激,杂技变得优雅浪漫。

Acrobatic Swan Lake

The Swan Lake composed by Tchaikovsky is a magnificent masterpiece that combines elegant classic ballet and ingenuous fairy tales and has been proved a romantic ode of love and priceless art treasure around the world.

And the acrobatic Swan Lake, which was initially produced and performed by the soldiers of the Political Sector of Guangzhou Military District, is the first version presented acrobatically, following romantic ballet of France, male ballet of England and modern ballet of America.

Acrobatic Swan Lake curtained up with a crystal white swan that wandered in the forest and it abruptly transformed to a trippingly dancing maid. Switches of this sort show frequently as the ballet proceeds, and make the classic ballet more attractive and fun. Here on this stage, magic is no more a simple gimmick or an isolate element but an essential part supporting the stage, dances and plots. It ’s an important dramatic means of interludes, transition and even advancement of plots. Typical movements in classic ballet appear that performers dance with only toe on the stage but in acrobatic ballet, skills on toes are placed by hands and other ticks. The swan dances on the heads or shoulders of actors such as to alternate the stage from floor to human body. Some innovative acts like Ballet on Head, Ballet on Shoulders, Reversing Ballet and

Ballet on Rope will reshape audience’s impression on ballet.

Though an innovative artwork integrating acrobatics and ballet, its director firmly adhered to three principles which are to maintain Swam Lake’s original elegance, smoothly unite acrobatics with plots, and not to impair any tiny bit of its music. He trended to weave and advance all plots with acrobatic acts and didn’t shift Tchaikovsky’s music and preserved features of the figures and plots of classic Swan Lake, entertaining the audience with bran-new experience in an atmosphere full of familiar rhythm and story. The acrobatic Swan Lake inherits all the beauty and elegance of the classic ballet and richens it with adventure and amusement, making ballet adventurous and acrobatics genteel.


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