

he current “unplug” movement wants you to put down the smartphone and other devices.

And it makes two major points worth considering. First:spend less time sharing pictures

and video of what's going on around you and more time enjoying the events themselves. Second, and more important: spend less time using your gadgets in ways that annoy the people around you.

Concerts are a particular focus here, although this idea could also apply to people texting in an otherwise dark movie theater.

Comedian Demetri Martin has a joke about watching his favorite band…through the

smartphone screen of the person in front of him.

A company called Yondr offers one way to get people to unplug during live performances. They sell a locking smartphone case that some venues in California use.

Put your device in the case when you enter the club, and you can't snap photos, take video , tweet or check e-mail unless you go to a

designated area where the host can unlock it. Peter Frampton would approve.

The musician recently caused a minor stir by tossing a fan's phone away during a concert. He'd be happy to know that, based on a YouTube search, nobody else at the show appears to have recorded the gadget-throwing incident using their smartphone.

The current “unplug” movement wants you to put down the smartphone and other devices.


And it makes two major points worth considering. 而且这一运动提出的2个主要观点值得人们深思。 First:spend less time sharing pictures

and video of what's going on around you and more time enjoying the events themselves. 首先是少花时间发布照片、视频分享自己身边的事,多花点时间享受事件本身。

Second, and more important: spend less time using your gadgets in ways that annoy the people around you.


Concerts are a particular focus here, although this idea could also apply to people texting in an otherwise dark movie theater.


Comedian Demetri Martin has a joke about watching his favorite band…through the

smartphone screen of the person in front of him. 喜剧演员迪米特利马丁曾讲过一个笑话:他欣赏着最爱乐队的表演,但却是通过前面人的智能手机屏幕观看。

A company called Yondr offers one way to get people to unplug during live performances. 一家名为雅德的公司提供了一种能够使人们在演出现场放下智能手机的办法。

They sell a locking smartphone case that some venues in California use.


Put your device in the case when you enter the club, and you can't snap photos, take video , tweet or check e-mail unless you go to a

designated area where the host can unlock it.


Peter Frampton would approve.


The musician recently caused a minor stir by tossing a fan's phone away during a concert. 因为这位音乐家最近在一场音乐会中将粉丝的一部手机扔掉引发了一场小规模轰动。

He'd be happy to know that, based on a YouTube search, nobody else at the show appears to have recorded the gadget-throwing incident using their smartphone.


he current “unplug” movement wants you to put down the smartphone and other devices.

And it makes two major points worth considering. First:spend less time sharing pictures

and video of what's going on around you and more time enjoying the events themselves. Second, and more important: spend less time using your gadgets in ways that annoy the people around you.

Concerts are a particular focus here, although this idea could also apply to people texting in an otherwise dark movie theater.

Comedian Demetri Martin has a joke about watching his favorite band…through the

smartphone screen of the person in front of him.

A company called Yondr offers one way to get people to unplug during live performances. They sell a locking smartphone case that some venues in California use.

Put your device in the case when you enter the club, and you can't snap photos, take video , tweet or check e-mail unless you go to a

designated area where the host can unlock it. Peter Frampton would approve.

The musician recently caused a minor stir by tossing a fan's phone away during a concert. He'd be happy to know that, based on a YouTube search, nobody else at the show appears to have recorded the gadget-throwing incident using their smartphone.

The current “unplug” movement wants you to put down the smartphone and other devices.


And it makes two major points worth considering. 而且这一运动提出的2个主要观点值得人们深思。 First:spend less time sharing pictures

and video of what's going on around you and more time enjoying the events themselves. 首先是少花时间发布照片、视频分享自己身边的事,多花点时间享受事件本身。

Second, and more important: spend less time using your gadgets in ways that annoy the people around you.


Concerts are a particular focus here, although this idea could also apply to people texting in an otherwise dark movie theater.


Comedian Demetri Martin has a joke about watching his favorite band…through the

smartphone screen of the person in front of him. 喜剧演员迪米特利马丁曾讲过一个笑话:他欣赏着最爱乐队的表演,但却是通过前面人的智能手机屏幕观看。

A company called Yondr offers one way to get people to unplug during live performances. 一家名为雅德的公司提供了一种能够使人们在演出现场放下智能手机的办法。

They sell a locking smartphone case that some venues in California use.


Put your device in the case when you enter the club, and you can't snap photos, take video , tweet or check e-mail unless you go to a

designated area where the host can unlock it.


Peter Frampton would approve.


The musician recently caused a minor stir by tossing a fan's phone away during a concert. 因为这位音乐家最近在一场音乐会中将粉丝的一部手机扔掉引发了一场小规模轰动。

He'd be happy to know that, based on a YouTube search, nobody else at the show appears to have recorded the gadget-throwing incident using their smartphone.



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