

B.Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints might serve as a guide:

a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.

b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society. c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?

With our society developing, there are some problems existing in the relationships between people. We are more and more cautious about helping strangers. We don’t easily trust other guys any more. We are more and more indifferent.

Because we are afraid of being cheated. We protect ourselves so good that we close our hearts , our eyes, our feelings about everything outsides. So we are changing the world worse and worse. We don’t trust any more. We will live harder and harder. When we get in trouble, nobody will help us. When we go to see the doctor, we will suspect what he says because we only trust ourselves. When we buy something from businessmen, we will think that do they cheat me? When we work with our colleagues, we will suspect that if they have ability to finish the work. Then our life will get a mess.

Why don’t we try to trust somebody. We know we can do this. I will do the first to show we can trust strangers. When someone needs help I will give him my hands.

B.Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints might serve as a guide:

a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.

b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society. c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?

With our society developing, there are some problems existing in the relationships between people. We are more and more cautious about helping strangers. We don’t easily trust other guys any more. We are more and more indifferent.

Because we are afraid of being cheated. We protect ourselves so good that we close our hearts , our eyes, our feelings about everything outsides. So we are changing the world worse and worse. We don’t trust any more. We will live harder and harder. When we get in trouble, nobody will help us. When we go to see the doctor, we will suspect what he says because we only trust ourselves. When we buy something from businessmen, we will think that do they cheat me? When we work with our colleagues, we will suspect that if they have ability to finish the work. Then our life will get a mess.

Why don’t we try to trust somebody. We know we can do this. I will do the first to show we can trust strangers. When someone needs help I will give him my hands.


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