跨文化交流 作文作文1500字


Culture —National and International

2013521001 陈立铭 Nowadays, people from the world increasingly have interest in Chinese culture such as tea ceremony, Peking opera and Chinese medicine. ’The foreign girl with Chinese tea’ is just a display of them. It has not been a big news that foreigners come to China for our unique culture.

With technology improving and globalization growing,the world become ‘smaller ’.Normal people can touch the information of other countries without any difficulty on the internet. What’s more,it is easy to go anywhere by modern transportation.So much regional culture starts to go around world, which relies on the people who go out or the works spread by the internet.Form films,Americans know that Chinese KongFu is so cool, and we learn how to eat sushi in Japanese anime.Culture become international.

Modern life conquers people.It is also a huge barrier for culture to spread itself. We replace ancient tools and habits with modern technique. In the process of it, we may lose some valuable culture or limit them. However, these culture leave themselves in some way,and when we attach importance to them again, they will appear in our eyes in a new way. ’Han clothing’ is a typical example in them. Culture become national , or re-national.

Culture plays an important role in human’s civilization.However

modern we are ,we still need to learn these culture and spread them. The cultural mixture will bring amazing change to the world.

Culture —National and International

2013521001 陈立铭 Nowadays, people from the world increasingly have interest in Chinese culture such as tea ceremony, Peking opera and Chinese medicine. ’The foreign girl with Chinese tea’ is just a display of them. It has not been a big news that foreigners come to China for our unique culture.

With technology improving and globalization growing,the world become ‘smaller ’.Normal people can touch the information of other countries without any difficulty on the internet. What’s more,it is easy to go anywhere by modern transportation.So much regional culture starts to go around world, which relies on the people who go out or the works spread by the internet.Form films,Americans know that Chinese KongFu is so cool, and we learn how to eat sushi in Japanese anime.Culture become international.

Modern life conquers people.It is also a huge barrier for culture to spread itself. We replace ancient tools and habits with modern technique. In the process of it, we may lose some valuable culture or limit them. However, these culture leave themselves in some way,and when we attach importance to them again, they will appear in our eyes in a new way. ’Han clothing’ is a typical example in them. Culture become national , or re-national.

Culture plays an important role in human’s civilization.However

modern we are ,we still need to learn these culture and spread them. The cultural mixture will bring amazing change to the world.


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