我的歌声里 英文作文1300字



(You exist) In my song


Without a little bit of preparedness 也没有一丝顾虑

without a trace of worries


you appeared (like this) 在我的世界里 in my world

带给我惊喜情不自已 (that) surprised me and made me unable to restrain the emotions 可是你偏又这样 But you like this,


disappeared quietly without me knowing 从我的世界里没有音讯 from my world without one word


leaving behind only my memories

你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind

我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song


Still remember we once 肩并肩一起走过那段繁华巷口

side by side walked together through the bustling alley


Even though we were strangers, passers-by 但彼此还是感觉到了对方的

we still felt each other 一个眼神一个心跳 a look,a heartbeat 一种意想不到的快乐 an unexpected delight 好像是一场梦境命中注定

like a dream (that) decreed by fate 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里

in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song


How big the world is 为何我们相遇 why did we meet 难道是缘分 is it fate 难道是天意 is it destiny yeah 你存在 yeah You exist 我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song



(You exist) In my song


Without a little bit of preparedness 也没有一丝顾虑

without a trace of worries


you appeared (like this) 在我的世界里 in my world

带给我惊喜情不自已 (that) surprised me and made me unable to restrain the emotions 可是你偏又这样 But you like this,


disappeared quietly without me knowing 从我的世界里没有音讯 from my world without one word


leaving behind only my memories

你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind

我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song


Still remember we once 肩并肩一起走过那段繁华巷口

side by side walked together through the bustling alley


Even though we were strangers, passers-by 但彼此还是感觉到了对方的

we still felt each other 一个眼神一个心跳 a look,a heartbeat 一种意想不到的快乐 an unexpected delight 好像是一场梦境命中注定

like a dream (that) decreed by fate 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里

in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song


How big the world is 为何我们相遇 why did we meet 难道是缘分 is it fate 难道是天意 is it destiny yeah 你存在 yeah You exist 我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song 你存在 You exist

我深深的脑海里 deep in my mind 我的梦里 in my dream 我的心里 in my heart 我的歌声里 and in my song



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