

1. What Do Students of Class 4 Eat for Breakfast at Foreign Language School Here are the results of what students of Class 4 eat for breakfast at Foreign Language School. No students eat eggs every day. They don't like eggs. Some students eat eggs once or twice a week. Most students eat eggs three or four times a week. They think eggs are good for their health. As for milk, most students drink milk every day. Some students drink milk once or twice a week. And some students drink milk three or four times a week. The results for "noodles" are interesting. All students eat them once or twice a week.

2. Health is very important to us. So I made a resolution about improving my health. First, I'm going to run for half an hour every morning. Running is a good way of making myself strong. Next, I'm going to take P.E. classes seriously. Then I'm going to play soccer after school every day. On weekends, I am also going to take exercise with my friends. In a word, I'm going to try my best to keep healthy.

3. Dear Jerry,

What do you think of Chinese TV shows? I love some of them very much. I like animals, and I love the Animal World. There are always many cute animals and I can learn a lot about them. My father thinks sports shows are more interesting because he likes all kinds of sports. Do you know what TV shows my mother likes best? Soap operas. Oh, I can't stand them. I think they are the most boring. What's your idea?


Mei Zi

4. My dream job

My name is Chen Hua and I'm in Grade 8 now. When I grow up, I'm going to be a piano teacher. I like playing the piano very much and I want to make more persons like the piano music. To become a piano teacher, I'm going to practice playing the piano for hours every day. I hope to go to college one day and study music. After leaving college, I will go back to my hometown and work as a piano teacher there.

5. If I become a teacher, I'll be happy.

For me, becoming a teacher is my dream because I love children. If I become a teacher, I'll be happy. I will work in a school in a poor mountain village. I'll help open up my students' eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life. I'll teach them how to study and how to behave in society. I hope all my students will love me. If they also want to be teachers, I will be happier.

1. What Do Students of Class 4 Eat for Breakfast at Foreign Language School Here are the results of what students of Class 4 eat for breakfast at Foreign Language School. No students eat eggs every day. They don't like eggs. Some students eat eggs once or twice a week. Most students eat eggs three or four times a week. They think eggs are good for their health. As for milk, most students drink milk every day. Some students drink milk once or twice a week. And some students drink milk three or four times a week. The results for "noodles" are interesting. All students eat them once or twice a week.

2. Health is very important to us. So I made a resolution about improving my health. First, I'm going to run for half an hour every morning. Running is a good way of making myself strong. Next, I'm going to take P.E. classes seriously. Then I'm going to play soccer after school every day. On weekends, I am also going to take exercise with my friends. In a word, I'm going to try my best to keep healthy.

3. Dear Jerry,

What do you think of Chinese TV shows? I love some of them very much. I like animals, and I love the Animal World. There are always many cute animals and I can learn a lot about them. My father thinks sports shows are more interesting because he likes all kinds of sports. Do you know what TV shows my mother likes best? Soap operas. Oh, I can't stand them. I think they are the most boring. What's your idea?


Mei Zi

4. My dream job

My name is Chen Hua and I'm in Grade 8 now. When I grow up, I'm going to be a piano teacher. I like playing the piano very much and I want to make more persons like the piano music. To become a piano teacher, I'm going to practice playing the piano for hours every day. I hope to go to college one day and study music. After leaving college, I will go back to my hometown and work as a piano teacher there.

5. If I become a teacher, I'll be happy.

For me, becoming a teacher is my dream because I love children. If I become a teacher, I'll be happy. I will work in a school in a poor mountain village. I'll help open up my students' eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life. I'll teach them how to study and how to behave in society. I hope all my students will love me. If they also want to be teachers, I will be happier.


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