




TV’s influence on children

Nowadays with the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, TV has played an important role in our daily life. And its influence on children has aroused wide public concern.

Most parents think TV has a bad effect on children. For example, children always focus their time and energy on watching soap operas and meaningless programs, which lead them to ignore their studies, even harm their academic studies. What’s more, watching TV for long, children gradually lose the eyesight. The most terrible thing is that some children may be misled by the evil thoughts. It’s bad for children’s development in physically and mentally.

On the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that TV is a good study instrument for children. By watching TV , children can not only acquire knowledge, but gain some skills which they aren’t able to get from the textbooks. Besides, TV helps children broaden their vision. They can get lots of news from abroad and home, including each field in the world. Thus, children keep pace with this society.

For me, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view. Now we are entering a new information age, and the society is developing quickly. The textbooks can’t satisfy the demand of children in studies. So they should be allowed to choose different way to get knowledge.




TV’s influence on children

Nowadays with the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, TV has played an important role in our daily life. And its influence on children has aroused wide public concern.

Most parents think TV has a bad effect on children. For example, children always focus their time and energy on watching soap operas and meaningless programs, which lead them to ignore their studies, even harm their academic studies. What’s more, watching TV for long, children gradually lose the eyesight. The most terrible thing is that some children may be misled by the evil thoughts. It’s bad for children’s development in physically and mentally.

On the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that TV is a good study instrument for children. By watching TV , children can not only acquire knowledge, but gain some skills which they aren’t able to get from the textbooks. Besides, TV helps children broaden their vision. They can get lots of news from abroad and home, including each field in the world. Thus, children keep pace with this society.

For me, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view. Now we are entering a new information age, and the society is developing quickly. The textbooks can’t satisfy the demand of children in studies. So they should be allowed to choose different way to get knowledge.


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