

Unit5 Topic 1


Kangkang meets Jane an Helen at the school gate. They say Happy New year to each other, and Helen says that Kangkang ’s new bike looks very nice. Kangkang often comes to school by bike.Helen usually takes the subway to school. . And Jane always comes to school by bus. P3-1a

Michael usually gets up at about six o ’clock on weekdays. And he usually walks to school but sometimes goes by bike.Helen seldom goes to school on foot.She often takes the subway. For Sally,she never takes the subway. She always goes to school by bus.

Unit5 Topic 2


Michael and Jane are talking on the telephone.Jane isn ’t doing her homework.She is watching TV .What is Michael doing?He is making cards,but he thinks it’s boring.So they would like to play basketball together(一起).


Li Ming and Kangkang are in the school library. Li Ming wants to borrow some English workbook and a girl in school library looks for the book on the book shelves. Li Ming can keep these workbooks for two weeks, and he must return them on time. Kangkang wants to borrow some English newspapers, but there aren’t any English newspapers in the library. P12-2a

Michael and a girl are talking at the Lost and Found.Michael is looking for his wallet.It’s blue and Michael ’s family photo and some money are in it.The girl shows a wallet to Michael, but it isn’t Michael ’s.

Unit5 Topic 3



Zhou Yan and Maria are talking in the school.Maria is reading an English book, and Zhou Yan thinks Maria must like English very much.Maria thinks English is easy and interesting,but her history is not good. Zhou Yan thinks English is a little difficult so she doesn’t like it. But she likes history very much because it’s very interesting.Zhou Yan and Maria would like to help each other.

Unit6 Topic1


Maria and Jane are going upstairs and talking about Jane’s study.There are many English books and a computer in Jane’s study, so they can study on the computer.On her desk, there are some books and a lamp, and Jane’s computer is also on the desk.There is a clock next to Jane’s family photo on the wall, and the sofa is near the desk. On the second floor, Maris

Unit5 Topic 1


Kangkang meets Jane an Helen at the school gate. They say Happy New year to each other, and Helen says that Kangkang ’s new bike looks very nice. Kangkang often comes to school by bike.Helen usually takes the subway to school. . And Jane always comes to school by bus. P3-1a

Michael usually gets up at about six o ’clock on weekdays. And he usually walks to school but sometimes goes by bike.Helen seldom goes to school on foot.She often takes the subway. For Sally,she never takes the subway. She always goes to school by bus.

Unit5 Topic 2


Michael and Jane are talking on the telephone.Jane isn ’t doing her homework.She is watching TV .What is Michael doing?He is making cards,but he thinks it’s boring.So they would like to play basketball together(一起).


Li Ming and Kangkang are in the school library. Li Ming wants to borrow some English workbook and a girl in school library looks for the book on the book shelves. Li Ming can keep these workbooks for two weeks, and he must return them on time. Kangkang wants to borrow some English newspapers, but there aren’t any English newspapers in the library. P12-2a

Michael and a girl are talking at the Lost and Found.Michael is looking for his wallet.It’s blue and Michael ’s family photo and some money are in it.The girl shows a wallet to Michael, but it isn’t Michael ’s.

Unit5 Topic 3



Zhou Yan and Maria are talking in the school.Maria is reading an English book, and Zhou Yan thinks Maria must like English very much.Maria thinks English is easy and interesting,but her history is not good. Zhou Yan thinks English is a little difficult so she doesn’t like it. But she likes history very much because it’s very interesting.Zhou Yan and Maria would like to help each other.

Unit6 Topic1


Maria and Jane are going upstairs and talking about Jane’s study.There are many English books and a computer in Jane’s study, so they can study on the computer.On her desk, there are some books and a lamp, and Jane’s computer is also on the desk.There is a clock next to Jane’s family photo on the wall, and the sofa is near the desk. On the second floor, Maris


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