

This summer

My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on, some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mother's hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.


这个暑假, 我非常开心. 虽然我没有出去旅游。但是我和朋友们到养老院去帮助老人们。到了养老院, 我们自我介绍了后, 就开始为老人们做事了。首先, 我们先分了组。有的去扫地, 有的去帮老人们捶背, 有的陪老人们解闷, 而我和其他的朋友帮老人晒洗被子。我们开始了, 我们用洗衣粉洒在老人们的被子上, 用刷子搓了又搓, 很累。我体会到了妈妈的辛苦。接着, 我们就晒被子了。我们在养老院待了一个下午, 和老人道别后, 我决定以后多帮父母做家务。

My winter holiday

My winter holiday was very interesting.As that day i got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to ski.My skiing skill isn't good,got down for 15 times,they laughed at me behind,i can't help

smiling , too.The day of Spring Festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me so

glad.Then we played the fireworks.The childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the fireworks.That was so

beautiful!Like the stars rainning down the world.At the end,it was time to get the red bag.we were very exciting,and satisfied.Sometimes,we also went shopping and bought something we like. Winter holiday life was really wonderful!

我的寒假生活非常有趣. 刚回老家那天, 哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹就拉着我去溜冰场溜冰. 我技术不好, 摔了15个跟头, 他们都在那边笑我, 我也情不自禁的笑了. 大年三十那天最开心. 先是吃团圆饭, 一桌子的美食, 让我大饱口服. 然后就是放烟花. 我们几个小孩一边拿着荧光棒甩, 一边看大人们放烟花. 好美啊! 像降落在人间的星星. 最后就是拿红包拉, 我们都很兴奋, 也很满足. 有时, 我们还会去逛街, 买一些自己喜欢的东西. 寒假生活真美好!

I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very

beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends. When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. First, will make a big New Year meal. Second , we will make "Good-luck wishes.” Third , we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away. Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.


This summer

My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on, some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mother's hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.


这个暑假, 我非常开心. 虽然我没有出去旅游。但是我和朋友们到养老院去帮助老人们。到了养老院, 我们自我介绍了后, 就开始为老人们做事了。首先, 我们先分了组。有的去扫地, 有的去帮老人们捶背, 有的陪老人们解闷, 而我和其他的朋友帮老人晒洗被子。我们开始了, 我们用洗衣粉洒在老人们的被子上, 用刷子搓了又搓, 很累。我体会到了妈妈的辛苦。接着, 我们就晒被子了。我们在养老院待了一个下午, 和老人道别后, 我决定以后多帮父母做家务。

My winter holiday

My winter holiday was very interesting.As that day i got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to ski.My skiing skill isn't good,got down for 15 times,they laughed at me behind,i can't help

smiling , too.The day of Spring Festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me so

glad.Then we played the fireworks.The childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the fireworks.That was so

beautiful!Like the stars rainning down the world.At the end,it was time to get the red bag.we were very exciting,and satisfied.Sometimes,we also went shopping and bought something we like. Winter holiday life was really wonderful!

我的寒假生活非常有趣. 刚回老家那天, 哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹就拉着我去溜冰场溜冰. 我技术不好, 摔了15个跟头, 他们都在那边笑我, 我也情不自禁的笑了. 大年三十那天最开心. 先是吃团圆饭, 一桌子的美食, 让我大饱口服. 然后就是放烟花. 我们几个小孩一边拿着荧光棒甩, 一边看大人们放烟花. 好美啊! 像降落在人间的星星. 最后就是拿红包拉, 我们都很兴奋, 也很满足. 有时, 我们还会去逛街, 买一些自己喜欢的东西. 寒假生活真美好!

I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very

beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends. When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. First, will make a big New Year meal. Second , we will make "Good-luck wishes.” Third , we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away. Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.



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